Marble In The Kitchen
Marble in the Kitchen
Polished marble is a great natural stone for kitchens as long as you know the correct way to maintain your investment. While granite would be more durable in a kitchen setting there are some choices in finishes of marble.
You see kitchen design magazines that show beautiful polished marble on countertops and floors.
Some customers will insist to the builder, remodeling company, or natural stone fabricator this is what they want because they have seen this elsewhere and or it came recommended for the look they want.
Many people get marble because they are looking for a white stone. There are several white granite that can be used as an alternative to marble.
Polished marble, travertine and limestone can dull from foods and beverages that are acidic. There are many of our foods and beverages that contain acids which will etch or burn the stone’s finish, requiring periodic restoration if precautions are not taken.
Unless you are very cautious about spills or don't mind calling a natural stone restoration professional when the finish needs to repaired, consider another stone such as granite or a different finish other than polished marble, travertine or limestone. There are alternatives in the finish of these stones that require less maintenance, affording the homeowner to have the stone of their choice.
Hone and Antique Finishes
Marble, travertine and limestone can have a honed finish that has less of a shine or no shine at all and may be easier to care for because the etch and scratch damage of the stone is less apparent and is more maintainable by the home owner. Honed finished natural stone may be sold by the manufacturer or preformed on site if in the polished state by a natural stone restoration specialist.
There is another finish called "Antiqued" that may perform in a kitchen or other areas very well with these natural stones and can even be of a matte finish to a polished finish that is easier to maintain. This unique finish gives the stone texture and is very forgiving.
Antiquing marble, limestone and travertine can be an 'old world' or a modern look depending on the sheen desired.